179. WRONG - DAKOTA @ Equal10
⌦ Equal10 August 10th - September 5th
【- Other Credits -】
● Female
☑Hair : tram J0616
☑Outfit : RKKN. Elisha Onesie
● Male
☑Hair : Dura-B89
☑Outfit : .etiquette. Joshua Onesie
BackBone Industrial Loft - Floor Lamp
Contrast - prime frame 0
Contrast - prime frame 1
Contrast - prime frame 6
Dust Bunny & Con . Florence Bedroom . Chair
Mithral * Full Plant Shelf (Pack A)
[Con.] LightStamp Rug
[Con.] Trak - Floor plant
[Con.] Trak Coffee Table
[Con.] Vada Bookcase
andika[End of summer sweets]Decor
andika[End of summer sweets]A/dispenser
andika[End of summer sweets]B/dispenser
andika[End of summer sweets]C/dispenser
andika[quick snack.]set/Decor
andika[quick snack.]set-water
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